Monday, June 1, 2009

Wait vs Late

I dont know whether "wait and late" can be called Homophones or not and little do i care whether they are Homo or not (pun intended). But what i do know is that I hate these two words. Although these two phenomenas are mostly viewed as two entirely different embodiment of gross disrespect towards time, a holistic view will ascertain readers of the fact that these are intertwined so vehemently that it will be very unfair to separate these two Homo.....phones ( did i get it right??)

It's just a matter of turning the table around. If you are the perpetrator of the crime( read lack of punctuality) then the stares, the howlers, and even the absent mark on the attendance register seems so unethical and uncalled for. They have no business getting angry at the brutal wastage of your time. After all it is your time that you are wasting and why should those intolerable goons care??

And if you are the poor victim(read made to wait), then all of a sudden you feel like a sage who has been endowed with all the knowledge in this world that can be fit into the tiny human brain concerning time and its management. And the perpetrator is nothing but a lousy fellow who is heading towards his own destruction due to his indignant wastage of precious time, "TIME THAT WAITS FOR NONE"

But the main point is why am i writing this? Well i do not know. May be I have wisened up.  I have realized that whether it is you who is late...or it is you has to wait....its the same thing. Its the wastage of time. people say "ohh come on its just 20 minutes, why are you making such a fuss over it?? ". But considering the huge population of India, 20 times 1.17 billion accounts for a lot of problems that we face today. I am not trying to implicate something big here, saving every minute of life is important, because you live life once...make full use of it. And do not think i am some workaholic psychopath who thinks of working every hour. what i am telling is even if u lie down and sleep its a better utilization of time than waiting on someone who takes 20 minutes extra to get dresses. Because then you are wasting YOUR time. 

Well i guess i am not making much sense, but it is okay. because the sole motive for writing this was to make you people realise how pathetic it is to waste your time. and especially when you waste it on a blog, whose writer has no clue to what he is writing, except that he is wasting his as well as your time.



Amit said...

well ya, wait and late are certainly not homophones. time is important for sure, but the nicest thing about time is, that its so continuous and ever flowing that, the moment you even think of utilizing the present to the fullest, the present is gone. And on top of that, you cant even (rather shouldn't) afford to go on in your life without sparing a second thought of proper utilizing the time you have in hand. I guess, it always ends up in never crying over the spilled milk, and doing what you can do best with whatever you can, with whatever you have. And, without actually fretting over for, waiting for someone, and neither making it a habit of being late(even if you claim its your time). If you do not like waiting, then try not being late either, for someone else might be feeling the same disgust that you despise.

darkNgEl said...

nice'un...n i cn guess yu hv seen bth sides of the coin(dresses lol)....

KM said...

Difference Between Time and money:-
Money is Taxable by Govt Of India
Time is not....:-P

one more one more plzzzz
Some time it takes a lot of time to earn money and some times it takes a lot of money to waste time...
....i think itz very late gud niteeee